Nov 3, 2013

On Screens Tall and Venti

Last week we were honored to be invited to show The Advocate on the big screen once again, this time as part of the 13th Hungarian Film Festival of Los Angeles. HFFLA has always been one of the annual events I look forward to as it’s historically been the best venue to catch the best flicks coming out of Budapest. Over the past few years, I’ve also been happy to see the fest expand to showcase and celebrate Hungarian Cinema from a global perspective, featuring the works of Hungarian filmmakers from around the world. Needles to say, I’m thrilled to be part of the 2013 line-up.

The Advocate will be shown Sunday, November 17th at 9:30pm at the Laemmle North Hollywood, with the cast and myself being on hand for a Q&A afterward. Click on the banner above for tickets and info, or visit:

Then it will be time for our DVD release! After what has been a whirl wind two years or production, post work, and a great festival run, the special edition of The Advocate will hit shelves November 19th. It will feature a commentary track—really a conversation between myself and editor David Abramson on the various aspects of the roller coaster that was making of this film.

I will be posting updates on links, venues, and outlets of where the movie will become available for purchase and rental. As always, you can keep up with the latest news on our Facebook Page:

So, come check us out in sizes tall and venti if you can!